The University of British Columbia supports the dedicated scientists who work with animals and respects the unique contribution these animals make to benefit the health of humans and animals.
Our investigators, veterinarians and animal care technicians are all committed to humane animal care and developing research methods that reduce, refine and replace the use of animals, wherever possible. The University complies with national and institutional standards of animal care set by the Canadian Council on Animal Care.
The UBC Animal Care & Use Program (ACUP) is a University-wide program and covers all UBC Persons who work with animals in research and teaching. It is comprised of multiple components, which cover ethics approval, compliance, animal care and housing, veterinary care, facilities management, training, surgical and specialized technical procedures.
The Associate Vice-President Research & Innovation is the Responsible Executive (Institutional Official) of the UBC ACUP. The Animal Care Committee, Animal Care Services and the Post-Approval Monitoring Program work together to support the program. The Canadian Council on Animal Care has granted the Certificate of Good Animal Practice to UBC.
The Animal Care Committee is responsible for ensuring that all UBC animal researchers conform to the mandatory guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care through the University’s animal ethics review process and post-approval monitoring of all studies as well as the facilities where these studies occur. The Committee is mandated to safeguard the welfare of animals involved in research and teaching at UBC and at all affiliated locations.
Animal Care Services provides services in support of the UBC Animal Care and Use Program including research support, veterinary services, compliance, training, procurement, animal housing, technical services and administrative support.
Our overarching goals are to assure that the animals we work with receive the highest quality care and to protect the health of people who work with and around animals at UBC. We believe that excellence in research and teaching requires excellence in our animal care and use program.
UBC has earned a reputation for transparency regarding its use of animals in research. Comprehensive information is available at animalresearch.ubc.ca.