All research and teaching at the University of British Columbia involving animals that are housed in University facilities, on private farms, collected in the wild, or held in facilities of the University affiliated institutions requires the prior approval of the Animal Care Committee (ACC).
The ACC is responsible for overseeing the work carried out by all members of UBC who use animals for research, teaching, or testing. The ACC implements and interprets animal care an use policies. While the ACC is located organizationally at the University of British Columbia, the ACC's responsibility for laboratory animal welfare extends beyond UBC to all UBC-supported activities involving animals. An exception to an ACC policy must be described and justified in the Animal Protocol and approved by the full ACC at a convened meeting.
Policies by Category
Policies by Number
- 1 Compliance (2017)
- 2 Transport of Research Animals Between Facilities At UBC
- 3 Transport from UBC
- 4 Animal Welfare Policy (2022)
- 6 Acceptable Methods of Rodent Blood Withdrawal
- 7 Transport Through Common Spaces
- 8 Training (2024)
- 9 Alternate Animal Use Spaces Policy (2022)
- 10 Monoclonal Antibody Production
- 11 Restricted/Deficient Diets For or Fasting of Animals (2015)
- 12 Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (2016)
- 13 Management and Maintenance of Rodent Breeding Colonies (2017)
- 14 Post Approval Monitoring
- 15 Management of UBC Animal Care Facilities
- 16 Survival Surgery Of Rodents
- 17 Monitoring and Medical Records of Animals Used for Research, Teaching & Testing (2018)
- 18 Rodent Euthanasia
- 19 Acceptable Methods of Rodent Identification
- 20 Surgical Oocyte Removal from Xenopus laevis
- 21 Pedagogical Merit
- 22 Alternate Monitoring by Non-Facility Personnel
- 23 Allowable Procedures in Animal Holding Rooms for Rodents (2016)
- 24 Reporting of Animal Welfare Concerns (2017)
- 25 Anesthesia of Animals (2022)
- 26 Extension of Protocols (2019)
- 27 Husbandry and Environment Enrichment (2019)
- 28 Procurement Policy (2022)